
Add Custom Setting To Your Quick Settings Pull-Down Menu


custom settings

With the launch of Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google added a totally redesigned Quick Settings pull-down menu in Android. This new drop-down menu was much better than older version. And Google further improved it with the release of Android 5.1 and Android 6.0 Marshmallow release.  But it still offers limited features. Like for example you still can’t add any new “Quick” setting option in the drop-down menu. Every option like Wi-Fi settings, Do Not Disturb, Bluetooth and more is by default. While we don’t know when Google will allow Android users to customize the Settings drop-down menu, but thankfully there is an app called Custom Quick Settings, which allows us to do that.

The Custom Quick Settings app allows its users to easily add new custom settings tile to Quick Drop-Down menu. You can add a link, a shortcut to any of your favorite app or a custom toggle option. The good thing is that everything is on-screen, so the app will automatically walk you through all the required steps to create new tile.

And above all you don’t have to root your smartphone to do this.

Please note: This app will only work on the devices running Android 6.0 Marshmallow and above.

Ok! Enough talk. Go and give it a try, you might love it. You can download the Custom Quick Settings app from the Google Play Store free of cost.