
Google Keyboard 5.0 Brings Big New Features (APK Download)


Google Android keyboard

Google Keyboard is one of the most popular and the first keyboard on every new Android device. While some of us prefer to use third-party keyboard apps for additional features, but that doesn’t mean Google’s official Keyboard is not that bad. The search giant always improves it with unique and useful new features. Just like the recent update. Google has released a big new update for its official Keyboard app on Android. The update comes with version number 5.0 and brings a lot of new features like one-handed mode, new gestures, UI improvements and more.

Along with big improvements, Google has also made some refinements. Like for example, now you can swipe from the delete key to the left to highlight anywhere from one word to entire sentences in a text box. It makes deleting process a lot easier and better for long sentences. The company has also added new gestures. Like you can now just slide your finger across the spacebar to place the cursor anywhere in a line of text or a word.

The new one-hand mode is a lot handy too. When active, it will shrink the main keys to one side of the screen, giving you easy access to all of them. It works amazingly fine and will be very useful in the conditions wherein you can’t use the full fledge keyboard. And it would work better on those with big screen smartphones.

You can download and install the new Google Keyboard App update from the Play Store. Or if you are looking for .apk file then you can even use the download link below.

Download Link (.apk)