
How to Install Mac OS X Mavericks on PC with Niresh


Developer Code

There are lots of Windows users among us who wish if they could use Mac OS X, but due to their limited budget they are not able to buy a Mac and that is the reason Hackintosh were created. A custom PC, which can run Apple’s Mac OS X Operating System. For those who are willing to install the newly launched Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks on their Windows PC, here is the full tutorial on how to do that. Just follow all the steps carefully and we will help you to install Mavericks on your PC.

Please note that if you have already installed any previous version of Mac OS X, then it will automatically update it to Mavericks.

What you Require?

  • A Hackintosh-compatible computer which can run Mac OS X. Please note that all computers will not work with Mac OS X. But you can check by giving it a try, who knows if your computer can run it.
  • Mavericks will require a minimum of 10 GB of free space, but we will recommend you to keep the size at least 50GB and use a completely empty drive. If you can create a separate partition on your Hard Disk for Mavericks, then that will be great.
  • Download Niresh 10.9 ISO Image file from here. The size of the file is 6GB and you can use any bitcorrent client like UTorrent to download it. Upon click on the Download button on Niresh website, you will see to option one will be of “ISO Version” and othe for “USB Version” of “Niresh 10.9 – Mavericks.” You can download the one which you like, but we will recommend you to choose DMG version.
  • A USB Driver with at least 6GB or more space.
  • Win32 Disk Imager, for writing Niresh Disk Image file onto your USB Drive.
  • Multibeast

Creating Niresh Installation USB Drive

  • Plug your USB Drive into your computer.
  • Now you have to format your USB Drive, to do that just right click on the drive and select “format” option.

  • Now open the “Win32 Disk Imager” which you downloaded a few minutes back.
  • Now after opening the Win32 Disk Imager, click on the blue file icon and it will ask you to select your downloaded Niresh disk image. But please be sure to select *.* from ‘Files of Type’ option, otherwise it will not show the Disk Image file.

  • After choosing the OSX-Mavericks.dmg file, select the drive letter and click on the “Write” option.
  • Wait for about 10-15 minutes and let the writing process to complete.

Setting up the BIOS

Now before we start the installation process, let’s prepare our motherboard to run Mac OS X.

Restart your computer and open BIOS. (You can open that by clicking specific buttons like Delete or F10 as you turn your computer on)

Now in the BIOS change the:

  • First Boot Device‘ option to ‘USB-HDD’
  • HPET Mode‘ to ’64-bit mode’
  • ‘PCH SATA Control Mode’ or ‘SATA’ or ‘IDE’ to ‘AHCI
  • Select “Save and Exit”

Installing Niresh

  • Now restart your computer and plug in your ‘Niresh USB Drive.’
  • Your computer will now boot from the USB drive and you will see below like screen.

  • Press the “Enter Key” to start the Mavericks Installer.
  • Please note that if you are using an AMD based computer then you’ll have to tupe “amd” or “amd64″ (without quotation marks) and then press then “Enter Key.” Sometimes this boot flag doesn’t works, so at that time you will be required to test other boot flag like “amdfx” and more.
  • And if you get a Panic or loading error then you have to try writing boot flags like PCIRootUID=0 or -x before pressing the Enter Key.
  • If nothing woks then you can try these boot flags one by one:
    GraphicsEnabler=Yes or GraphicsEnabler=No
    UseKernelCache=Yes or UseKernelCache=No
    npci=0x2000 or npci=0x3000
    PCIRootUID=1 or PCIRootUID=0
    If you have Ethernet:
    For AMD users:
    amd -v or amd64 -v or amdfx -v
    For Atom users:
    atom -v
    For HP laptop users:
    hp -v
    Common laptop flag: -x

Now In the Installation Page.

  • Go to “Utilities” and Select “Disk Utility” option.

  • Now you have to prepare your hard drive partition to install Max OS X Mavericks. To do that, in the Disk Utility window choose the hard drive partition from the left side (where you want to install Mavericks) and then click on the “Erase” tab.
  • Please be sure to select the “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)” in the Format Option and You can name it as you like.
  • Now after formation you will see the icon of newly created Hard Disk/ Disk Partition in the Installation Window.
  • Select that and click on the “Customize” button which you will find in the bottom left corner of the window.

  • Now here you can choose the drivers and kexts which you want to install on your computer. But if you don’t know much about that, then just keep the default select and select the “OK” option.
  • Now Install Mavericks, which will take around 30 minutes.

Set Everything

Once the installation process finishes, unplug your USB Drive from your Computer and Restart it. Now you will see the hard drive Icon, just select it (where you installed Mavericks) And follow the setup guide.

Niresh will automatically install all the required drivers or kexts.

If anything doesn’t works like Sound, Internet and more, then you can Install “Multibeast” to fix all that.

To run Multibeast in your newly installed Mavericks OS, go to the “Settings” in System Preference and choose the “General” section. There you have to check “Anywhere” in the “Allow applications” section.

After running Multibeast, just change your BIOS settings back to normal