
How To Play Secret Chess Game In Facebook Messenger


Facebook Messenger isn’t only for sending weird messages or stickers to your friends. You can even use it to play games.

Facebook chat has an in-built and secret chess game, which Facebook developers created when they got bored working at Facebook offices. (Kidding.) But not on that chess game part. It is real and even you can play it with your friends.

Here is how to play Facebook chess

Go and open facebook.com. Now open a conversation with your friend and type “@fbchess play”

Hit enter and it will start the game. Now to play, you will have to use a mandoatory command “@fbchess” followed by your move. Like for example – “@fbchess Pe4” would move your pawn (P) to square E4.

To better understand the commands, just type  “@fbchess help”

If you are bored, you can anytime end it by typing “@fbchess resign.” While Facebook will automatically assign you a color but if you want your favor color then you can type “@fbchess play white” or “@fhcbess play black.”