
Sort-out Your Internet Plan with This Simple Guide


Whether you just received the notice that your neighborhood has been connected to NBN or you’re dissatisfied with your current internet plan, you can sort it out with this simple guide.

Mobile Broadband 
Mobile broadband is the best choice if you don’t have access to a fast internet connection in your area. It’s also the better choice if you’re almost always connecting to the internet via your smartphone instead of a desktop computer. If you don’t have 4G or 5G in your area, it’s probably also the faster option. It lets you connect via a SIM card or dongle instead of buying a dedicated modem (or upgrading the one you have). The problem is the limited bandwidth and data that comes with it. Your data plan probably only lets you upload and download 16 gigabytes per month. That’s fine for casual social media browsing or watching a music video, but it will lead to cut-offs or hefty fees if you’re trying to connect your computer. It’ll also cost as much per month as a good NBN plan. Compare internet plans with iSelect and find one that better suits your usage.

Wireless Internet 
A wireless internet connection could run on ADSL or NBN. Wireless internet includes wi-fi. This is generally enough for watching online shows. It’s also sufficient for gaming in low definition. This is more cost effective than mobile internet in most situations, and it’s available almost everywhere. Wireless internet has a number of benefits. You can still enjoy mobile connectivity via a cell phone, and you can use the same service for your personal computer. The data limits are so high it’s almost irrelevant, and some more expensive plans have unlimited data so you can’t get hit with a data overage fee. Why isn’t this option more popular? Well it isn’t as fast as some of the other plans out there and you have to have a modem and router to make it work.

NBN Wired Plans 
We’ll ignore the legacy wired internet services, since they’re all slated to be upgraded to NBN and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial cable at some point. NBN is the next generation in internet connectivity, providing faster connections with more bandwidth. You’ll probably have to upgrade your modem to connect to NBN. However, this is the best type of connection if you want to watch HD movies with streaming media or share massive files while chatting with someone in a video conference. How fast is NBN? You can get download speeds up to 100 megabytes per second. Upload speeds can hit 40 megabytes per second. However, if there are several people on your home network or local area demand is high, you’ll see worse performance. You could also choose to pay less for a lower speed tier.