
Stop Doubting, Huawei P9’s Camera Was Made By Leica


Huawei P9 Camera

At the time of launching its new flagship smartphone, Huawei P9, the company emphasized more on its one of a kind dual-camera, which was made in partnership with Leica. In fact, Huawei was so confident about the camera that it even roped in two top celebrities – Henry Cavill and Scarlett Johansson to promote it. And why they shouldn’t, Leica is one of the well respected names in the photography industry. Even we were excited to try P9’s camera when we first heard that Leica co-engineered the Huawei P9’s camera.

But soon after the announcement, a new report started spreading across the Internet. The news which was first reported by My Drivers claimed that Huawei P9 and P9 Plus’ camera is actually manufactured by Sunny Optical, a Chinese smartphone camera manufacturing company, not Leica. The report further added that Leica had nothing to do with the manufacturing or anything else, it just gave its certification for the module.

It was huge news and it started to spread like a forest fire. As Huawei on its website and in several marketing materials, clearly notes that the P9 and P9 Plus have a Leica co-engineered “Picture Quality Algorithm.” So, as soon as the news broke, almost every smartphone fan started criticizing Huawei for using false statements to promote its product. This not only created untrust among Huawei fans, but also confused many potential P9 customers who were planning to buy the smartphone just because of its camera.

But the truth is different. Huawei P9’s camera is indeed co-engineered by Leica and Huawei.

After hearing all the false reports, Huawei decided to clear the confusion and the Chinese smartphone brand released an official statement. “The P9 and P9 Plus were co-engineered between Huawei and Leica,” said Huawei. “This is the first collaboration between the two companies following a long-term partnership that was announced in February. From the very beginning, Leica has been deeply involved in the development of these devices. There has been significant technological collaboration between Huawei and Leica around many aspects of the camera, including optical design, imaging quality, image data processing, optimization, and the mechanical construction of the camera module to the graphic user interface. The devices meet Leica’s highest imaging quality standards.”

So, now if someone tells you that the camera is fake, just point him to this post.