
The Flash Season 3 To Start Shooting In July 2016


The Flash Arrow

The Flash Season 2 is wrapped up and the team has now started working on the next season i.e. The Flash Season 3. The CW network has currently 4 remaining episodes of The Flash Season 2 to air, after which it will go on season break.

In this week’s The Flash episode, the show runners spilled all the secrets involving Zoom and Hunter Zolomon. While the episode was actually among one of the best episodes of the Season 2, but it had plenty of loopholes in it. And above all, it brought us back to the Season 1 story line – which was basically same. I mean just like in the Season 1, in this Season too Barry trusted a guy which eventually became the main villain.

But still The Flash is among one of the most entertaining super hero shows on TV right now.

While we don’t know how Season 2 will end, but we are hoping that the show-runners will give Wally West the speed he deserves in Season 3. As it appears like Barry will be always slower than his opponents. And one more thing, the last mystery of Season 2 is now – “Who is the guy behind Iron Mask?
