
Watch The X-Men: Apocalypse Final Trailer Featuring Wolverine


X-Men: Apocalypse

20th Century Fox on Monday released a final new trailer for its upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse movie. While the trailer is the mixture of new and old footages, but in the series, giving us a better story line on what to expect.

From the trailers, one thing cleared now that Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) will be leading the X-Men team along with the help of Professor X. They are teaming up to fight against a God like mutant and his four horsemen.

The interesting thing about this year’s mutant villain is that he is the first and actually the most powerful mutant in Marvel’s X-Men universe. So, we are excited to see how the young X-Men is planning to beat the immortal and invincible. You can watch the full trailer below.

Spoiler Alert: It has Wolverine


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