
Xiaomi Mi Band Full Review: Best Low Cost Fitness Tracker


Xiaomi Mi Band

Xiaomi, after doing a great work in smartphone market, is now planning to release a fitness band called the Mi band, which will be available for around US $13. The price can be its selling point as it cost much less than other fitness bands available in the market, like the Fitbit Flex which cost around US $99.95.

Not only being a cheap device, it does an array of useful things that are really impressive. Some of its features include tracking various fitness metrics, which also includes the number of steps you take while running or walking and also measures your sleep cycle. It can act as an alarm clock and can also be used to unlock your Xiaomi smartphone.

The Mi band is a curved device made of rubber which is available in a bunch of color options. Although these colors give a low end feeling to the band, but you will find them attractive and will have fun wearing it. Though Xiaomi will be releasing other design options soon, including a leather band for someone that is looking for more high-end. The actual tracker can be easily taken out from the band and swapped with different bands, if you want some variety. Which means that if you don’t want to wear the Mi Band then you can simply take out the tracker and keep it in your pocket. It will track all your steps as it usually do when it is on the wrist.

How it feels on Wrist

The rubber band is lightweight and feels comfortable to wear. You don’t need to worry about the band while washing your hands or even while showering, as it water resistant. This doesn’t make it water proof so you can’t submerge it under water for an instance.

Xiaomi Mi Band Review

The tracker seems to be well-made and durable which is what Xiaomi is famous for. But for the band, it needs to be replaced after a few months or so.

How does the Mi Band work

After downloading and installing the Mi Band app. You will have to perform a few language setups. After that you will have to pair it with your Mi Band via Bluetooth. Then after setting a few personal stats like age, height and weight, you are about to go. The band itself can’t display any metric while you are exercising, but you don’t need to worry to take your phone with you all times while on a walk or a run, as the app will automatically sync as soon as you’re back in Bluetooth range.

You can set your daily goal, like how many steps you aim to take. Meanwhile, if you want to check your progress, you have to just make a gesture as if you are looking at a wrist watch then the Mi Band will light up in your preferred colour: One light for one-third, two lights for two-third and three light for goal completed. Though these lights are difficult to see in direct sunlight.

The band can also be used as an alarm clock but it does not sync with alarm apps available on your smartphone. To wake you up, it just gently vibrates three times, which can neither be snoozed.

The Mi band can also be set to vibrate after a missed call, but other notifications including SMS are not available. A thing that we found was that, when we had set the missed call notification alert, the band starts to vibrates three seconds after an incoming call, so besides telling us about the missed call it effectively tells that someone is calling you.

Xiaomi Mi Band Review

Battery Life

The best thing about the Mi band is its battery life which can provide a backup of around 30 days. Also it doesn’t require much time to get charged which can be done in a few minutes, after that the band is ready to last you for nearly a month.

The App and metrics

The Mi band opens to step counter where you can find your recent sleep cycles and walking activity. It also keeps record of the previous day’s steps that how far you have walked and also shows that how much calories you have burnt. It monitor you sleep cycle that how long you have slept and also for how long you were in deep sleep.

You can share these stats on limited social networks like WeChat, QQ and Weibo. The app can also be synced your WeChat account to get daily updates.

You can rely upon the stats given by the tracker, which are fairly precise including the distance calculator as well.


The Mi Band is something more you get that what you pay for. The band offers features that are nothing less as compared to other costly fitness tracker in the market. With just $13 it can be a great upgrade from old school pedometers. It can also be a great gift for someone you are cautious for their health and fitness.

For now, the Mi Band is only available for sale in China through Xiaomi website. Still no information is available that when this will be announced for other countries.